PEERS® Purpose
EFFECT Purpose
This program serves to help teens who have difficulty with the executive functioning skills that help them be more successful with home, school, and social activities. The teens who would benefit from these group and individual sessions are able to handle the academic rigor that high school and college offers,
but fall short on the executive functioning pieces. Participants may also work on problem solving skills (stating main and sub-problems to include inferred problems) and Theory of Mind (perspective-taking and reading emotions) skills that can directly impact executive function skills, social interactions and other communication skills. The EFFECT program works best if the student's social skills are not a concern or have been addressed through our PEERS® program first.
These weekly 1-hour virtual groups paired with individual 50-minute sessions are run by two certified and licensed Speech-Language Pathologists with extensive experience teaching executive function and social interaction skills.
What is executive functioning?
What is Theory of Mind?
The following articles provide more information of what Theory of Mind entails:
What is Double Empathy?